Calea Rahovei 147-153, Palatul Bragadiru, Spatiul &, Sector 5, Bucuresti
+40 769 771 991

           Yearly, hundreds of bartenders attend the training courses of Exquisite Bar Solutions, participating in sessions like Complete Bar Training, Barista Training or Professional Performance Bartenders Training. The bartenders are carefully selected and only with a positive attitude and communication skills are selected for our Internship Training, where hospitality and performance are essential to our philosophy.

From Top Mixologists, Flair Performance Bartenders or Professional Barista, till renowned bartenders on international level, all participants of the Exquisite Bar Solutions Trainings gathered a superior baggage of Know How and necessary abilities of a Professional Bartender.

Our Courses


         “Complete Bar Training” is an Exquisite Bar Solutions program, created and based on the projects of the biggest experts in the world. The program runs in a workshop system, with video presentations, demonstrations, analysis and practice.

Structured in three directions: Profile/Culture/ Technique, Complete Bar Training assures any beginner or advanced bartender, the basics, informations and techniques necessary to a professional bartender. The agenda includes mixology, barista and “craft bartending” modules.

The duration of the program is of 30 hours from Monday till Friday, everyday from 12:00 to 18:00. In this program only 10 participants can attend in one session.

          “Barista Pro Training” is an Exquisite Bar Solutions program, who assures to any bartender, beginner or advanced, the informations techniques necessary for a professional.
Training agenda: coffee history, coffee from the tree to the guest (varieties, brand coffee vs. origin coffee, properties, differences), coffee processing methods, coffee preparation methods ( espresso, vacuum sylphon, v60,cold brew, aeropress), espresso machine maintenance, coffee grinder maintenance, perfect espresso with the 4 M , cappuccino, latte-art, coffee cocktails.
The duration of the program is of 3 days with 5 hours per day. In this program only 6 participants can attend in one session.
For this training, all the participants will recive a Exquisite Bar Solutions signed by Adrian Caradeanu barista trainer Exquisite Bar Solutions and Marius Gogoasa, manager Exquisite Bar Solutions and president of Professional Bartenders Association Exquisite Bar Solutions

          The program, “Professional Performance Flair  Training” is structured in a way that all participants gain informations and basic techniques in Flair Bartending: Working Flair, Exhibition Flair, Pours & Cuts, Working With Style, How to Practice, how to Prepare a Competition.

In this program is also included the international accreditations of World Flair Association Gradings.

The duration of the program is of 5 days / 30 hours.
At the end of the program, the participant will receive a participation diploma signed by Luca Valentin and Ionut Ivanov.

Participants testimonials

Pentru mine experiența Complete Bar Training a fost una genială, ce a avut atat un impact profesional cât și emoțional. Sunt convinsă că pe viitor voi aplica tot ce am invatat si voi convinge si alti barmani ca e mult mai eficient sa lucreze in modul deprins la cursurile voastre. Va mulțumesc! You are the best!
Desi e primul camp la care am participat, m-am simtit super tare! Ma bucur foarte mult ca am avut ocazia sa particip si sa invat atatea lucruri noi! Va multumesc pentru tot! You the best!!!❤️
Multumesc Marius, pentru totata saptamana aceasta in care am invatat multe lucruri importante despre bartending. Sunt multe lucruri care trebuie sa le pun la punct si tocmai din aceasta cauza am ales sa ajung la echipa Exqusite sa vad intradevar cum se fac treburile. Am avut ocazia sa fiu cu voi si la summer bartenders camp si chiar de acolo am vrut sa continui si sa aleg sa fac si complete bar training.
Sunteti minunati, va multumesc!!!
Plec de la acest Camp mult mai fericit. Nu pentru ca ma intorc acasa, ci pentru faptul ca a fost o saptamana extraordinara. Tin sa va multumesc si sa va felicit pentru modul in care organizati camp-urile. A fost o saptamana plina, cu multe activitati interesante. Sunt la al 2-lea camp si pot spune cu siguranta ca o sa revin cu drag. Multumim pentru tot ce ne-ati invatat saptamana asta! Va asteptam la Cluj. Multumesc inca o data echipei Exquisite Bar Solutions!!
Singurul loc din România unde pot să mă simt respectat ca barman, pot să invat, sa evoluez si sa fiu mai bun! Aveti respectul meu pentru ce faceti si sper sa aveti sanatate si putere si sa faceti asta mulți ani de acum încolo!
P.S. nu voi rata niciun WinterCamp!!!
Paul Sfarlea
Diageo Bar Academy
Eastern Europe Head Trainer
Pentru mine, Complete Bar Training a fost un deschizator de drumuri. Ce m-a impresionat, a fost ca nu te invata doar CE trebuie sa faci in aceasta industrie, ci te invata DE CE trebuie sa faci. Imi place sa spun despre Complete Bar Training ca daca ti-e foame, nu primesti peste ci vei fi invatat sa pescuiesti! Dupa aceea vei merge cu succes pe drumul tau!!!
Salut oameni faini! Sincer a fost o saptamana de neuitat la Complete Bar Training, in care mi-ati schimbat total felul in care privesc bartendingul! Mult mai placut si mai interesant!!! Multumesc pentru tot! Cheers!
Multumesc pentru aceste cinci zile pline de “nou” la Complete Bar Training. Imi pare rau ca drumul meu nu incepe de acum, mi am irosit 2 ani din viata neprogresand si invatand ceva total gresit. Multumesc frumos pentru lectia de viata!